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Trailer - Is There Anybody Out There?

Writer's picture: badgerentertainmenbadgerentertainmen

Updated: Sep 24, 2024

Hello everyone. Well, we've finally released the trailer for the podcast and video series one of the paranormal podcast video, Is There Anybody Out There? The full version can be found on our YouTube channel @clubmattproductions. So, this blog will run alongside the paranormal podcast video series, and will contain what was covered in each show, along with some additional information.

Lets begin then, I'm your host of the show, Matt Lloyd, and I've always had an interest in psychology, particularly parapsychology. I've carried out many paranormal investigations over the years, both as part of a group organised by another person, and also as part of a small team organised by myself. The idea behind this blog is simple, once a month, i will travel around the UK to an alleged haunted location, where i will carry out a paranormal investigation, usually with a friend or two with me to assist. i plan to record as much as possible on location and then record a podcast video after the investigation to cover where we went, what alleged hauntings have been reported and what we saw and experienced, or didn't see or experience, as the case may be. I'll then write to blog to cover the investigation.

OK, so a bit about me. I have a diploma in psychology, a diploma in Higher Education in nursing, where i studied some psychology and psychiatry, i have a level two certificate in parapsychology and a diploma in parapsychology. As well as having done over fifty paranormal investigations, i've also attended seven different spiritual churches over the last ten years and seen a variety of mediums. I'd describe myself as both a believer and a sceptic, as i have witnessed things that I cannot yet explain, even with my interest in quantum physics, but I also believe that around 95% of paranormal phenomena can be explained by science.

The format of these paranormal podcasts, videos and blog is simple. We start with an introduction as to whom is took part in the paranormal investigation, then we will cover a parapsychology lesson of the blog, covering a different area within parapsychology each blog. After that we will have an introduction into the paranormal investigation that took place, where the location was, what paranormal activity has been reported there and what the members of the team saw and experienced, or didn't see or experience, as the case may be. Finally, we will cover any paranormal experiences or stories that have been sent in by the listeners and viewers of the podcasts and videos.

When i was younger, I grew up in an allegedly haunted house, where a lot of unexplained things happened to take place. The day my parent were dur to view the house, it seemed that everything that would go wrong, did go wrong. I was only three at the time, my sister had just been born, which is why my parents needed to move from the two bed bungalow to a three bed property. i do recall the night before we were due to move into the house. It was terrible. To this day, i still can't recall whether it was a nightmare or if it actually happened. I was in bed asleep, in my bedroom, when I suddenly woke up and sat up in bed. A foam cream chair cushion and back suddenly popped up from the end of my bed and started shaking as it gradually got closer to me. At first, having just woke up, i was a little confused as to what i was seeing, but when it touched my foot and was still getting closer, I jumped out of bed and headed to my bedroom door. Now I know, although I was only three at the time, that I had put my toy box away against the wall before going to bed - my parents always made me tidy up my toys before going to bed and put the toy box away. Anyway, I ran toward my bedroom door, I tripped over my toy box, which was now between the bed and the door. I picked myself up, got to the door, but couldnt get it open, I started shouting for my parents, banging on the door. That's where the memory fades away.

The following day, we moved into the new house without incident or problems.  It didn’t

take long for strange things to start happening in relation to the house.  A lot of these

events were told to me later by my parents, particularly my mother as she spent most of

the time in the house, my dad was an engineer and would work long hours during the

week.  The first thing I remember my mother telling me about was the kettle incidents. 

When my mum took my sister with me in the morning, to walk me to nursery, my mum

would get back home to find the kettle boiling.  To start with, my mum just thought that it

must have been switched on before she left to take me to nursery, as the nursery was at

the end of our road, and it would only take about fie minutes or so to walk me there and

then walk back home with my sister in her pram. However, it wasn’t long before my

mum realised that something wasn’t right.  Each time she got home from taking me to

nursery, she would get home to find the kettle was boiling.  She would turn it off at the

socket before leaving for nursery and get home to find the socket turned on and the

kettle boiling. She even unplugged it once, but that made no difference, she got home

and, although the kettle was still unplugged, it was boiling when she walked into the



A few weeks after we had moved into the house, my mum would be in the downstairs

hallway, and see out the corner of her eye a group of Roman soldiers from the waist up

marching across the hallway, coming out of one wall and disappearing into the opposite

wall.  Every time she turned round to look at them, they’d simply just vanish into thin air. 

As you can imagine, this was somewhat disconcerting and to start with my mum just

putting it down to seeing things due to tiredness, but wasn’t convinced after she’d seen

them from the corner of her eye for a second time.  She experienced this for several

more times over a number of years.  When we first moved into the house. I recall my

wallpaper being a pattern involving spirals, which were repeated as a pattern.  My

parents had to change the wallpaper soon after we moved in, as it used to keep me

awake at night with the spiral patterns moving in a circular motion.  It wasn’t long before

my parents got to know the neighbours and find out the reality behind the house.  None

of the families that had previously lived at the house had ever moved out of the house as

a complete family.  I remember a chill going up my spine as my mum related to me a

conversation she had with one of the neighbours who had lived on the street for almost

thirty years.  According to that neighbour, every family that had ever lived in the house

we were now living in. had split up before moving out of the house.  No one family had

ever lived in the house as a complete family for very long. Usually after a few years, the

parents would end up splitting up, one would move out and either take the children with

them, or the children would stay in the house and then a year or so later, the house

would go up for sale.


Luckily for us, my parents were both very strong minded and genuinely, madly in love

with each other, so when we moved out of the house we were the first family to move

out of the house as a complete family.  But the house didn’t allow us to move out

without a whole host of obstacles to overcome.  Anyway, for the first few years I was

blamed by my parents for moving things and hiding things – which I didn’t, by the way. 

But things would go missing, my dads wallet, my mums car keys, books, just about

anything that was small.  The item would go missing from one part of the house and

then turn up, sometimes hours later, sometimes days later, sometimes weeks later and

even sometimes months later, in a completely different part of the house.  After a few

years of denials, my parents finally believed that I had nothing to do with the

disappearing items. Especially as more and more strange things continued to happen in

the house. 


Don’t get me wrong, it was nothing like Poltergeist or other movies, although it came

close on one occasion, it was just lots of relatively small, strange things constantly

happening.  My parents even resorted to getting a local priest in to bless the house.  He

turned up with a bible, some crosses to place around the house and some holy water. 

After he’d done what he needed to do, everything seemed to quieten down for a few

months.  Then my dad noticed that there was something wrong with the house and got a

surveyor in, who said we had a problem of some sort with the foundations and would

have to move out for a month for some remedial building work to be carried out.  I

remember that as soon as we moved out and into the hotel the insurance company had

arranged for us, I suddenly started to experience strong abdominal pains. I was taken

into hospital for tests and pain relief.  I was finally diagnosed with abdominal migraines,

which I’d never experienced before.  I think I was about seven at the time.  After a week, I

was discharged back to the hotel with my parents and sister with pain relief.  The pains

continued until we moved back into the house, when they stopped and never returned



Now, when I said earlier that it wasn’t like movies such as Poltergeist, it did come close

on one occasion.  I recall a few weeks after we’d moved back into the house being in

bed, in my bedroom, when I suddenly heard my mum screaming panicked my dad’s

name, “Mike!” “Mike!” and then she screamed Oh My God!  I jumped out of bed, out my

bedroom and rushed downstairs. I walked into the living room and couldn’t believe what

I saw,  My dad was sat in his chair, in the corner of the lounge, frothing from the mouth

with his head twisting right round to one side as far back as it would go and then turn to

the other side and as far back as it would go.  I remember thinking if his head twisted

further back he would break his neck,  My mum called the ambulance and it soon

arrived, back in those days you didn’t have to wait long for an ambulance to arrive.  My

mum got a good neighbour to stay with me and my sister, as she went in the ambulance

with my dad to hospital.  The doctors carried out tests and put it down to my dad having

an epileptic fit.  He had no history of epilepsy or fits.  He never fitted again after that



Ater that, my parents approached the same priest as last time and requested a further

blessing of the house.  A few weeks later the priest attended the house to carry out

another blessing.  He only got halfway round the house this time, when a cross was

flung off the nail it was hanging on on the wall and almost hit him in the face.  He left

very quickly and refused to ever return to the house.


Now, you are probably all saying, why didn’t you just put the house up for sale and move

out?  Well, my parents tried.  We moved into the house when I was three and we

eventually sold it and moved out when I was around twelve, but my parent had put the

house up for sale around four years after we moved in, and it took a further five years

before they eventually sold the house.  We spent a total of nine years living in that

house.  Then it came to the day we were due to move out.  My parent has sold the house

and decided, due to my mum’s deteriorating health, to relocate to the coast.  Their plan

was simple, they had sold the house.  All our furniture would go into storage.  We would

take our caravan to a local caravan site and liv6e there over that Christmas (we moved

out of the house in mid December).  Then we would take the caravan down to a site in

mid January near the South West coast and stay there until we had found somewhere to

buy and move into.  The day we were due to move out came and the large removal van

we had hired broke down before it even got to us, so they had to send two smaller vans

instead.  That delayed moving out.  Once all the furniture had been packed and the two

vans had finally gone, we were outside the front of the house, as my dad connected the

caravan to the cars tow hitch.  We had an estate volvo at the time and the back door to

the car was open.  Our dog was still in the house and my dad was connecting the

caravan to the car.  Suddenly there was this blood curdling howl, and our dog came

running out of the house, dived into the back of the car and lay down, physically

shaking.  We all just looked at each other.  My dad just said to my mum, shut that front

door and lets get out of here.  We finally got to pull off the drive and down the road, got a

hundred yards and then this strange noise started coming from the back of the car,

between the car and the caravan.  We pulled over and my dad got out.  Despite doing

the clamp up tight, the jockey wheel had come loose and dropped down.  My dad

resecured it and we got to the campsite about ten miles away without any further



The house was on a road that had a set of woods at either end of it.  Not long after we

moved out of the house, archaeologists started to excavate both the sets of woods,

suspecting that they were both Roman camps.  It then transpired that they suspected

that the Roman road that had linked the two woods ran directly beneath the house we

had lived in.  Now, I’m not sure how deep the builders had to dig to sort out the

foundations of the house, but they never reported seeing anything when they carried out

the digging to sort the foundations out.  But my mum did say the Roman soldiers she

saw were from the waste up, so I can only surmise that the Roman road was slightly

deeper than the builders dug.


Have any of you our there got any good paranormal stories or experiences that you

would like to share with us?  If so, please get in touch by emailing us at that’s lower case, all one word, let us now your experiences and stories of the



Well, that’s all for now, thanks so much for listening or watching, and we hope that you’ll

tune in next month for our next paranormal podcast and video, Is There Anybody Out



For further information of future podcasts and videos in this series and for other

podcasts and videos by Club Matt Productions, please check out our Facebook group,

ClubMatt Productions, or check out our website at


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