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Reiki and synchronicity.

Writer's picture: badgerentertainmenbadgerentertainmen

Several decades ago, back in 2004-2007, when I was living in Worcester, studying nursing at the University of Worcester, I did my level I and then my level II Reiki, and then went on to set up my own part time private Reiki practice, seeing clients for reiki treatments across two sites in the city.  I also used to give talks on Reiki using PowerPoint presentations, to local groups and organisations such as carers groups and healthcare professionals. Anyway, after I moved away from Worcester, I gave up the private practice but continued to treat family and friends with Reiki treatments as and when required for free. About ten years ago, I stopped giving friends and family Reiki treatments due to time constraints with other projects and work. Then about five years ago I just seemed to stop giving even myself Reiki treatments. Anyway, about four weeks ago, I came across a  book on Reiki in a charity shop and felt inclined to purchase it. A week later and I was looking at Reiki courses, wanting to refresh my Level I and Level II again. Then, very quickly, I came across a very comprehensive Reiki course for levels I, II, and III ( with level III in two separate parts, one for Reiki Master and then the other to teach Reiki to students). The course is a whole lot more in depth than the previous Level I Reiki course I did whilst living in Worcester.  at the rate I'm doing the course at the moment, with the other commitments I've got such as setting up and launching my own small production company, and doing a level II business start  up course alongside setting up the production company, as well as helping to look after my elderly dad who has dementia, plus a couple of other projects I've got on the go, and I won't complete the Reiki course for perhaps another two to three months. Either way, it is what it is and it doesn't really matter how long it takes me to complete the Reiki course, as I don't intend to have another part time or even full time private Reiki practice or even teach Reiki once I've completed the course.  I'm simply doing it as a spiritual journey and for spiritual development, as well as in order to give myself Reiki treatments on a regular basis. It's also a very fascinating and interesting subject. I might even do a monthly podcast video blog series on Reiki once  I've finished the Reiki course.


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